Photos of drugs, the consuming of drugs or alcohol is prohibited. Denton County Main Jail and others often use a private company to process all online deposits to an inmate's account. Mail is considered by the jail to be a privilege. Denton County Law Enforcement Center staff announced today that commissary deposits for inmates can be made online, by telephone, by using the Kiosk in their lobby or by sending postal money orders or bank cashier checks to the following address: Learn more about inmate commissary in the Denton County Law Enforcement Center. To confirm that the Denton County Main Jail still allows letters in envelopes call 940-349-1700 or view the Inmate Mail Instructions. NOTE: There may be a limit on how much product you can send your inmate in Denton County at any one time. If you have any questions, call Securus: 972-734-1111 or 800-844-6591. For full instructions on all the benefits of using Homewav to visit a Denton County inmate, visiting an inmate at the jail itself, email and texting an inmate, rates, policies, rules, dress codes, bringing children, attorney and clergy visits and more, go to our officialVisit InmatePage. Choose one of three account types, SecurusDebit, Advance Connect or Direct Bill. The jail holds inmates across all levels of offenses, from maximum [] Instructions on how inmate commissary deposits can be made online or by telephone can be found by scrolling down this page. The Denton County Jail is a modern correctional facility located in Texas. packages before you place an order or it may be refused! Heres how it works: If you have any questions, call the Denton County Law Enforcement Center at 940-349-1700. All of the snacks and candy are brand name items that they are used to purchasing on the outside. Prisons do not allow direct packages from families They serve most, but not all of the states in Jail personnel will process the Inmate Account payment. Magazines Select Denton County Law Enforcement Center. Join the conversation on our social media channels. If you have any questions, call Securus: 972-734-1111 or 800-844-6591. To purchase commissary for an inmatein Denton County follow these instructions: For more detailed information on Ordering Commissary, Depositing Money,Setting up Phone & Visitation Accounts;costs, fees, restrictions, rules and more with Tiger Commissary Services, check out ourCommissaryPage. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. 1. 4. You can order online at and their Denton County Main Jail Texas (note: please do not abbreviate the name) They have 3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Monday Friday * You can write them at: To confirm that the Denton County Main Jail continues to allow books to be mailed by a third party publisher or bookseller, call 940-349-1700. They have a very good mix ofChips, Snacks, Candy, Meat, Seafood, Hygiene products, Letter writing materials, Electronics and Apparel items for sale on their website. Failure to adhere to them will result in your inmate and you losing your visitation privileges. All letters printed and shipped by TextBehind nationwide to virtually any jail or prison facility are delivered to the jails/prisons by couriers such as the USPS or FedEx as their standard process. To find out fees, how to's, calling times, limits on phone calls and other systems Securus has do that you can communicate with your Denton County inmate, check out ourInmate PhonePage. 4. 2. I didn't get the items from Access Securepak that I ordered. 127 N. Woodrow LaneDenton, TX 76205-6397. The Denton County Jail Inmate Locator has information on persons who have been arrested and are in jail, including custody status, bail amount (if applicable), and visiting hours. To find out fees, how to's, calling times, limits on phone calls and other systems Securus has do that you can communicate with your Denton County inmate, check out ourInmate PhonePage. Once you are logged in, click Add Talk to Me Funds". Denton County Main Jail uses the services of. Order Commissary Allows you to order commissary and have it shipped to an inmate. Care packages Care packages are pre-chosen items packaged together and sent to the inmate from a third-party vendor. If you think your inmate is being targeted for violence or having their commissary taken to avoid beatings, contact the Denton County Main Jail and ask to investigate. Why do inmates in the Denton County Main Jail need commissary? How to Send and Receive Secure Text and Email Messages with an Inmate in Denton County Law Enforcement Center, To send or receive a message you MUST first open a. How to Send and Receive Secure Text and Email Messages with an Inmate in Denton County Main Jail, To send or receive a message you MUST first open a. If you want to order by phone call 800-546-6283. Food. This allows them to obtain items such as personal hygiene products, snacks, apparel, electronics and stationery supplies. Instructions on this service are listed below, or will be outlined in detail when this new policy takes affect. JAIL Exchange is the internet's most comprehensive FREE source forCounty Jail Inmate Searches, County Jail Inmate Lookups and more. Add Talk to me Funds to your account using your credit or debit card. My Care Pack similar items as Access Securepak but also offers music. Denton County Main Jail has a Tiger Kiosk in the Lobby that accepts cash, debit or credit cards. All mail should be addressed to the inmate along with having the sender's return address. Call, How to Schedule and Visit an Inmate in Denton County Main Jail. NOTE: Your messages will be monitored and stored. As hard as the pressure you are getting to send money, your needs and the children's come first. You can also get information about anyone who has been arrested or released within the last 24 hours. Find your Inmate. But jail is a very stressful place, and by having a daily snack, or using a soap, shampoo or toothpaste that are used to using on the outside can bring a certain amount of normalcy and comfort to their life inside. Fax: 940-349-1604. 127 N. Woodrow LaneDenton, TX 76205-6397 For more detailed information on Ordering Commissary, Depositing Money,Setting up Phone & Visitation Accounts;costs, fees, restrictions, rules and more with Tiger Commissary Services, check out our, How to Visit or Email an Inmate in Denton County Texas or visiting an inmate at the jail, In addition to visiting inmates at the jail, Denton County Law Enforcement Center uses a video visitation service called. 4. EMERGENCY: 911 NON-EMERGENCY: 530-666-8282 ADMINISTRATION: 530-668-5280 Administration FAX: 530-668-5238. Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.11 p.m. CST, Denton County Law Enforcement Center may offerhot 'take-out' style food for their inmates using the Access Securepak website. Call HomeWav support at314-764-2872, or toll free 844-394-6639. 5. It is best to never discuss sensitive information regarding your inmate's pending case. Services for Denton County inmates and their families and friendsinclude Collect Calling, PIN Debits or Purchasing Calling Cards. Register here. Altered mail such as perfumed or lipstick covered. 2. If you have any questions, call the Denton County Main Jail at. Unlimited inmate reply letters are processed for electronic delivery to your smartphone and email at no extra charge. 1. Add Talk to me Funds to your account using your credit or debit card. The Denton County Law Enforcement Center will then need to approve the request before you can send messages. To set up a phone account so that your inmate can call you from Denton County do the following: 1. NOTE: All visits are recorded and whatever you say and do will be monitored. You may want to refrain from discussing your inmate's court case. Care packages Inmate Name and Inmate Number All of the snacks and candy are brand name items that they are used to purchasing on the outside. Polaroid Photos are prohibited. Select Texas. However, Failure to follow instructions will result in your payment not being credited properly, or being returned to you. Access Securepak will issue a refund for or replace broken, damaged, or missing products reported by Denton County Law Enforcement Center staff. 3. Strict rules must be adhered to when you send care packages. and friends. * You can Live Chat with a Representative online: (bottom left corner of page) My CarePack is the Denton County Law Enforcement Center's outside vendor for Commissary Items. Phone: Due to the problem of letters and postcards containing, or soaked in contraband (drugs), TextBehind electronic and physical letters replaced the former policy of allowing mail to be sent directly from inmates friends and family members, and vice versa. Once you are logged in, you will receive instructions on how much (and what products) you can send your inmate. As with all mail, this is closely monitored P.O. The jail features a 1400-bed establishment with a modular, direct-supervision system aimed at upholding not only the safety of the general public but also members of the facility, including staff and inmates. Complete information islisted on this page. To visit or email an inmate in Denton County follow these steps: Who do youcontact if you arehaving any problems arranging the remote video visit, phoning or emailing of an inmate in Denton County? Because inmates do not have access to actual cash money in the Denton County Main Jail, snacks, candy, brand name hygiene products and other sundries inmates can get from commissary and care packages you ship to them are used as currency, thus for gambling. In case of questions contact the administration at 940-349-1700. Choose the inmate and the products you want shipped to them, and input your payment method. Choose a way to pay (Credit, debit, or prepaid card). Phoenix, MD 21131 attach photos or send a videogram! Once you open an account, you may search for Denton County inmates or detainees to connect with. Complete both steps of the registration process Add Talk to me Funds to your account using your credit or debit card. In addition, there is a $1.00 fee for any purchase. Any book that does not meet the Denton County Main Jail standards will be disposed of. Create New Account *All customers that are new to Access Securepak will need to create an account to place an order. well. Contact Information: Once you are logged in, you will receive instructions on how much (and what products) you can send your inmate. Learn more about inmate commissary in the Denton County Main Jail. generally available the next day and you can send it from your home computer. If you want to order by phone call 800-546-6283. Strict rules must be adhered to when you send care packages. *Note* Access Securepak will issue a refund for or replace broken, damaged, or missing products reported by Denton County Law Enforcement Center staff. The word "commissary" in prison refers to the items. Instructions on how inmate deposits can be made online or by telephone can be found by scrolling down this page. While jail is stressful for an inmate, it is just as stressful for their family members or loved ones on the outside. Make the Money Order out to the inmate's name and put their Inmate ID# in memo section of the Money Order. Photos of lewd behavior or people exhibiting too much skin is prohibited. Most jails allow books to be mailed directly to the jail from a reputable source such as Amazon,Barnes & Noble or Books-A-Million. Join the conversation on our social media channels. Friends and Family can leave Video Messages for Inmates using HomeWAV Video services. Or, the message can be sent collect / "COD" for free and will be paid for by the recipient. 3. Deposit Funds. Manage Settings Add Talk to me Funds to your account using your credit or debit card. Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.11 p.m. CST, An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. When you locate the Denton County inmate that you want to connect with, you can send them a connection request. for content by the correctional departments. and Saturdays, 10 a.m.4 p.m. CST. Do not discuss your inmate's case or other sensitive information as it can be used against them (or you) in court. *NOTE* -- Once you are fully registered and have selected the inmate you wish to send commissary to, you will receive instructions on how much you can deposit, how much (and what) you can purchase for your inmate, and how often you can send commissary. The Denton County Main Jail allows a wide variety of food, snack foods, candy, clothing, electronics and other items to be purchased by inmates either through their commissary or by friends and family members sending in care packages from a third-party vendor called Access Securepak. electronic items such as TV, radios and headphones and some clothing items as It is advised not to discuss their pending case. Can I get a refund? You may want to refrain from discussing your inmate's court case. Learn more about ordering Access Securepak packages online for an inmate in the Denton County Law Enforcement Center. They have a very good mix ofChips, Snacks, Candy, Meat, Seafood, Hygiene products, Letter writing materials, Electronics and Apparel items for sale on their website. Access Securepak was developed to eliminate contraband and greatly reduce the time and labor required to process packages. St. Louis, MO 63132. 3. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The Denton County Jail will NOT accept packages. Prisoners are listed in alphabetical order by their last name. Once you open an account, you may search for Denton County inmates or detainees to connect with. Paper mail is sent to the address below: - Apparel, Registration Process: A reasonable amount of commissary money you should send your inmate is whatever your budget allows. TextBehind enables you to communicate with your incarcerated loved ones located inside the United States from anywhere in the world using text letters, kids' drawings, and custom greeting cards. Mailing a deposit takes more time to process than the other methods but can be done if you live too far away to bring it in person and you don't have a debit/credit card for online deposits. The food may not be of the highest quality, but the commissary food is generally much less nutritious. Denton County Main Jail will then need to approve the request before you can send messages. 9:00AM to 6:00PM EST We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. - Food and Snacks All mail that is coming from the inmate's legal counsel will be opened in front of the inmate it is addressed to. To send a commissary carepack (food, snacks and goods) directly to an inmate in Denton County Main Jail follow these steps: Select Texas, then select Denton County Main Jail, and then select the 'Send a Package Order' option. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Failure to do this properly will delay your inmate getting his account credited and may require you to have to resubmit a second money order. NOTE: All of your inmate's phone calls are recorded and stored. Follow the rest of the instructions for Denton County Main Jail to complete your transaction. To set up a phone account so that your inmate can call you from Denton County do the following: 1. Type in the amount of dollars you want to add to your account. Once you are logged in, click Add Talk to Me Funds". You may want to refrain from discussing your inmate's court case. 4. NOTE: All of your inmate's phone calls are recorded and stored. Email Subject Linemust contain the following information: Inmate Last Name, First Name and Inmate Identification Number. Yolo County Sheriff's Office 140 Tony Diaz Drive Woodland, CA 95776 Get Directions. If an inmate is being targeted, they will intervene and have the victim placed in protective custody, away from the general population. For example: Doe, John ID# 8675309. Scroll down for instructions. If you want to send a care package to an inmate in Texas, you can order one from the eCommDirect website. Once you open an account, you may search for Denton County inmates or detainees to connect with. I didn't get the items from Access Securepak that I ordered. Type in the amount of dollars you want to add to your account. Denton County Main Jail staff announced today that commissary deposits for inmates can be made online, by telephone, by using the Kiosk in their lobby or by sending postal money orders or bank cashier checks to the following address: Choose a way to pay (Credit, debit, or prepaid card). So, the Denton County Jail has their current inmate list on the sheriff's website. The inmate handbook is also available on a kiosk in each inmate's housing area. companies. Staff at the Denton County Main Jail has increasingly been finding letters that are being mailed to inmates being dipped into illegal drugs in liquid form. Do not discuss your inmate's case or other sensitive information as it can be used against them (or you) in court. Call 940-349-1700to see if the Denton County Main Jail participates in a Care Package program and if so, how to purchase one. Add Talk to me Funds to your account using your credit or debit card. 4. NOTE: All communications between you and your inmate at Denton County Main Jail will be recorded and stored. Otherwise they go without, and you don't want them to be obligated to others for their basic needs. Instructions on how inmate commissary deposits can be made online or by telephone can be found by scrolling down this page. Complete allsteps of the registration process to get full access to Denton County Main Jail inmate communication services. Review the days, available hours and the cost of remote and on-site visits in Denton County. You can view their site at For all information, tips and available items for shipping, How an Inmate Makes a Phone Call to You or Others from Denton County Main Jail. email system is easy to use and it's cheaper than buying stamps at the post office. ICGS keeps loved ones close by providing a quick and easy way to order care packages for inmates in jail. JAIL Exchange is the internet's most comprehensive FREE source forCounty Jail Inmate Searches, County Jail Inmate Lookups and more. NOTE: All of your inmate's phone calls are recorded and stored. Phoenix, MD 21131 money to an inmate or an email. 9:00AM to 6:00PM EST TextBehind will use a scanner to make digital files of the contents of the mailingincluding cards, photos or artwork. To communicate by text or email with an Denton County inmate, follow these instructions: For all the information you need to send and receive secure messages in the form of text or email with a Denton County Main Jail inmate, including how it works, how much it costs, renting your inmate a tablet, how often you can communicate and more, check out ourText/Email an InmatePage. Agents are available from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CST, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and speak both English & Spanish. Choose a way to pay (Credit, debit, or prepaid card). An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Denton County Main Jail Address: 127 N. Woodrow Lane Denton, TX 76205-6397 Phone: 940-349-1700 Denton County Main Jail - Depositing Money for Inmates There are three choices for putting money on an inmate's books: Choice 1 - Dropping Money at the Jail Bring money to the jail in person.
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